These days, motorboats outnumber sailboats and the lake is battling the invasive zebra and quagga mussels and always wish you could visit one day. Twelve Apostles, Koalas, Kangaroos, surf towns, Bells Beach.

Living so close to such a beautiful area, most weekends regadless of the season I usually am having a drive down the coast to grab a few shots, as there is much to explore and this place rarely takes a bad photo.
Beautiful area, most weekends regadless of the season I usually am having a drive down the coast to grab a few shots, as there is much to explore and this place rarely takes a bad photo. The idea behind this guide was to do what I love — grab my camera, some friends and to go explore.
I rented a VW Kombi for the weekend and the only thing on my itinerary was to enjoy the time, keep shooting and try to show off the laid back Australian summer lifestyle. Most weekends regadless of the season I usually am having a drive down the coast to grab a few shots, as there is much to explore and this place rarely takes a bad photo. The idea behind this guide was to do what I love — grab my camera.
Some friends and to go explore. I rented a VW kombi for the weekend and the only thing on my itinerary was to enjoy the time, keep shooting and try to show off the laid back Australian summer lifestyle.
Moving to Glasgow, Scotland for studies, the first thing I learned from one of my Scottish flatmate who is an artistic hound of the city was that there is no way you will drink from Starbucks or Costa around here if you visited Frida’s.
That summer, since I have been postponing on seeing who’s Frida and how good is her coffee, I decided to grab a bus and see with my own eyes (and taste) this mystique coffee shop she’s been telling me about. And there I am, talking with Frida.
A lake is the landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature. Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
Most weekends regardless of the season I usually am having a drive down the coast to grab a few shots, as there is much to explore and this place rarely takes a bad photo.
The idea behind this guide was to do what I love — grab my camera, some friends and to go explore. I rented a VW kombi for the weekend and the only thing on my itinerary was to enjoy the time, keep shooting and try to show off the laid back Australian summer lifestyle.